Journey into the Ether
"Attention Assets" Collection
Phase ONE
これらの作品はあらゆる関係した分野- 大地、空、石、植物、動物、先祖、
昆虫、火、水、空気、精気=スピリット そしてお金などが持つ
Holding sacred space in ALL worlds.
昆虫、火、水、空気、精気=スピリット そしてお金などが持つ
Holding sacred space in ALL worlds.
This work attempts
to honor and amplify the wisdom
of all relational fields
exposing the interconnectedness of
earth, sky, stones, plants, animals, ancestors, culture, insects, water, fire, air, ether, money
with compassion, love, and sometimes humor.
to honor and amplify the wisdom
of all relational fields
exposing the interconnectedness of
earth, sky, stones, plants, animals, ancestors, culture, insects, water, fire, air, ether, money
with compassion, love, and sometimes humor.